About the cooking videos

This semester, I chose a specialized minor aimed at enhancing video skills, with a personal goal to advance my editing capabilities. I did this by taking on the responsibility of producing two complete cooking videos. The footage was pre-shot, tasking me with editing, color grading, and sound designing to create compelling cooking videos for other chefs.

Click on the photos below to see both cooking videos in 4K and click here to see them on the client’s website.

Date: February 2023 — June 2023

Client: WADDEN

  • Roles:

    • Editor

    • Sound Design

    • Colorist

The challenge

The most significant challenge I faced this semester was mastering the art of editing with multiple camera angles, coupled with the task of creating an engaging cooking video, a project I had never tackled before.

The solution

Addressing this semester's challenge—mastering the art of editing with multiple camera angles and crafting an engaging cooking video for the first time—I found my greatest lessons came through trial and error. Participating in an exclusive minor limited to eight students allowed for frequent feedback sessions. During these sessions, we showcased our progress and received insights on our edits.


  • Improved my editing skills

  • Delivered two fully edited cooking videos that are now displayed on the client's website

Tools used

  • Adobe Premiere Pro for the editing

  • Adobe Audition for the SFX

Noël Middelhoek, Client

“I actually have no comments. The videos, as they are now, are of good quality.”


Toscanini | Rebranding


Design Asia | Photography